Route 44 – A Journey, Chapters 17 & 18
I started teaching again during the 1991 academic year.

Route 44 – A Journey, Chapters 14, 15 & 16
Chapter 14 - A few years before, my parents had sold their business and moved to Oklahoma City to be closer to my brothers and their families. Moving to Oklahoma City was also the logical move for us at…

Route 44 - A Journey, Chapter 13
Chapter 13 Even though a teaching position at Cameron University in Lawton hadn’t worked out I stayed friends with Jack Bryan and kept in touch with him and what was going on there at Cameron. When …

Route 44 - Journey, Chapter 12
Chapter 12 - This time we rented a U-Haul and moved ourselves. We weren’t going to make that mistake again. The problem this time was we had a baby to take care of so we thought it would be better to …

Route 44 – A Journey, Chapters 9, 10 and 11
Chapters 9, 10 and 11
Chapter 9 During the massive job hunt, I packed up the studio and stopped working on art. There was no one using the studio space during the summer so I moved most of my large paintings to a back room…

Route 44 – A Journey, Chapters, Chapter 6, 7 & 8
Route 44 – Journey – Chapter 6, 7 & 8
Chapter 6 I had now completed half of my required 56 hours for my graduate MFA degree and was in the middle of the spring 1972 semester. Because of my anticipated graduation I started preparation for …

Route 44 - A Journey, Chapter 5
Route 44 – Journey – Chapter 5
The Mid-Way Show was a success and the museum retained one piece for their permanent collection. This was an honor or at least I thought it was at the time. I often wonder what became of that piece or…

Route 44 - A Journey, Chapter 4
Route 44 – A Journey – Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Since I thought it would be possible for me to get a MFA degree in one year from OU and was pretty sure I would be accepted into the program, I didn’t bother to apply anywhere else. Both a…

Route 44 - A Journey, Chapter 3
Chapter 3 – Route 44
Eugene Bavinger was the primary painting professor at OU and had been so since 1947. He was a very soft-spoken man with a world of experience behind him. I met him as my professor for an advanced pain…

Route 44 - A Journey, Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 I am back at OU but things are a lot different now. There are two big differences this time, one, I am not alone, I have a partner. and two I have a more open mind about what Art is. I came …

Route 44 - A Journey, Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 I am back at OU but things are a lot different now. There are two big differences this time, one, I am not alone, I have a partner. and two I have a more open mind about what Art is. I came …